No matter what the company's activity is - your ideas can be turned into useful applications that will make your daily work easier for your users..

We create best mobile websites


Made for all devices

We create mobile websites that are made to be tailored to all types of devices. You can view our mobile website even in large desktops.

Easy and Simple to Use

Mobile friendly websites are easy to use because they are simpler than classic websites.Mobile friendly website you can be proud of.


Made for all users 

Our mobile websites are designed to be friendly to all users . With clear content and functionality all types of users can have excellent UI experience  .

Mobile-Dedicated, Responsive and Adaptive

Our mobile websites are mobile-dedicated and responsive are all possible ways to implement mobile user experiences. 


Website URL To QR Code: Get People To Visit Your Website

You’re probably looking forward to using print media to drive traffic to your website. It could be a blog, portal, business website, or an e-commerce website.

And you’re right. Print media attracts user attention, looks more personal, and has a long attention span

We can generate QR codes for your website or mobile website 

You can use generated QR codes with apps like Viber and other QR scaners 

The Android platform is the most common phone platform on the market and this information should be taken into account if you intend to reach the largest target group when it comes to smartphone use. Trends in the world this year will be completely focused on smartphones and mobile phone surfing.



Click on buttons bellow to find Lativm apps on different app stores 


Vladimir Komarov 38 1/16 
Skopje , Macedonia



Phone: +389 78 527 035
Viber: +389 78 527 035